Useful Links
On this page, you can access some very helpful resources and information on where to get help. If you need further assistance, please do feel free to reach us on our contact page.
Multiples NZ is the national body that represents 14 (plus Triplets Plus) local Multiple Birth Clubs, consisting of over 1500 families throughout New Zealand. We aim to provide education, support and advocacy to all of these families, by providing guidance and resources to their local multiple birth clubs, and via this website.
The Work and Income Multiple Birth Home Help Payments are available to help families of multiples with the cost of home help to complete household tasks normally performed in the home, such as cleaning, cooking and doing the laundry. This benefit is not means tested. New Zealand citizens or permanent resident are eligible if they have given birth to twins or adopted twins and have another child under the age of five years old, or have given birth to or have adopted triplets, or higher order multiples.
Parents of twins can get 240 hours, to be used within 12 months. Those who have given birth to triplets or more are entitled to 1560 hours, to be used within 24 months. Home help is granted from the date that the babies are born if they are born at home, or from the date that they are discharged from the hospital.
You may use your allotted hours in any way that suits your family needs, such as short term full-time help, or longer term part-time help. However, there is no further entitlement once the hours are used up or once the maximum period has ended. It is strongly recommended that parents begin the application process before their multiples are born, and have a home helper in mind—suggestions from multiple birth clubs include employing senior high school or university students, or advertising on a local supermarket notice board, or to use a home-based childcare company or nanny organisation, such as Red Robin. Most multiple birth clubs will be able to provide the application forms, and help you complete them, or you can contact Work and Income.
Our mission is to help mothers to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, education, information, and encouragement and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
Te Rito Ora is a free community-based service that provides breastfeeding and baby feeding information and support for all mothers and babies who live in South Auckland. They can work with you from the time you find out you are pregnant until your baby is 2 years old. Have a look at their website for upcoming classes and free in-home breastfeeding support.
Kidz First Neonatal Care (KFNC) at Middlemore Hospital provides care predominantly to the Counties Manukau region as well as providing extra capacity at peak demand times for regional and national overflow.
Their website contains information about visiting hours, contacts and also a handy list of common treatments.
This website provides both specific to Starship and general information about the NICU stay.
There is also a useful video tour to familiarise families who may use the Newborn Services NICU facility. In addition to a link to download a free NICU Journal App.
We are dedicated to making a difficult start to life that little bit easier…
The Neonatal Trust provides support to families of premature or sick full term babies as they make their journey through neonatal care, the transition home, and onwards.
We are committed to supporting these courageous families and the people who care for them.
Huggies NZ have been proud sponsors of Multiples NZ since 1993. MCM members can receive a free box of newborn size nappies when their babies are born, conditions apply.
Well Women Franklin is a Peer Support Group. We support women and their families in Franklin and Papakura who are experiencing antenatal or postnatal distress and anxiety. We focus on wellness and resilience, using a holistic approach. Any woman who feels they need some support is welcome to get in touch with us. All of the services we offer are free of charge.
Further useful links include: